
gymnastics and hockey for life

monster recipe (writting)


Monster recipe


For the emotions of the monster

For the angriness of the monster

  • 1 cup of lightning
  • 1 trinidad scorpion chilli

For the sweetness of the monster

  • 100 grams of stevia
  • A handful of flowers
  • 7 tablespoons of honey

For the happiness of the monster

  • 1000 grams of fairy sprinkles
  • ½ a cup of rainbow power

For the head of the monster

  • 2kgs of shampoo
  • 4L of conditioner
  • A cup of glitter
  • A teaspoon of toothpaste

For the strength of the monster

  • 1,000,000grams of muscle

For the fur of the monster

  • 1L of sprinkles
  • A pinch of glitter

For the body of the monster

  • A paper heart
  • A chocolate star
  • A circle fern

For the finishing touches

  • A cup of love
  • 600ml of trust
  • 3,000 grams of kindness


  1. Mix the sprinkles in with the paper heart in a large saucepan
  2. Turn on the stove to full heat
  3. Whisk in the muscle until light and fluffy
  4. Fold in the ingredients for the head and leave to simmer on a low heat. Until needed
  5. In a bowl outside mix the ingredients for the spice in with the chocolate star and the ingredients for the happiness.
  6. Put the bowl in the freezer until frozen
  7. Mix in the rest of the ingredients into the saucepan except for the finishing touches
  8. Leave on the low heat until they start to bubble
  9. After that check on the ingredients in the freezer if they a frozen put the bowl out in the sun.if they are not frozen leave in the freezer until they are then put them out in the sun.
  10. When the ingredients that are in the saucepan start to bubble
  11. Get the ingredients that are outside and put them in a pool of lava.
  12. Then add in the other ingredients and the finishing touches.
  13. In two days a kind, thoughtful monster will rise from the lava
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